Friday, April 12, 2013

Work travel

I really thrive under these conditions; feeling like there's an urgency to what I'm doing, that there's little time to do anything but work and live, having my expenses covered, meals taken when they're available, many times being fast and cheap, other times being leisurely and expensive, others being simply fruit, cheese, bread, olive oil, salt, and pepper. I like being thrown into a strange environment or situation with other people, getting to know each-other, figuring out how the others like to work, what needs they have from me in order to best perform their job. I like being in a strange environment and taking in bits an pieces of it as possible.

I don't like this noisy, dusty, humid atmosphere! I especially don't like to wear these booties (pedisacs) over my feet trapping in even more moisture. I'm glad I wore shoes that were about ready for the trash, anyway - they are definitely going in the garbage before I get on the plane! We also have to wear Tyvek suits (combinaisions) and hairnets (charlottes).

I am a dorky, nerdy geek, though, and put my foot in my mouth regularly, too. But, I like to think that I at least notice when I do so and try to improve in the future.

Jonathon said today that "I know one person who picks up French quickly." After a second he smiled at me - I assumed he meant he had known someone, could have been intentional on his part but I think it was just his subtle misuse of English.

I still have not many any plans for the coming week. I could go to Nantes, go to Paris, or I could stay here. I could stay in a hotel, look for a hostel, or even try and find some couches to surf - or, if I stay here, I can crash on the couch in the apartment. I can get a ride into Nantes on Saturday afternoon. I could take a train up to Paris. Or I could rent a car and either stay in Nantes or drive back out here.

My bedroom

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